Monday, June 3, 2013

An Undesirable Nexus : Naxalism
             - Strategic Centralization and Tactical Decentralization
  In the wake of assassination of Mahendra Karma, the man who kindled the 'Salwa Judam' fire, my thoughts triggered my actions to write this blog on one of the most contentious issues that India is facing today - Naxalism. It is not only a national problem, the magnitude is global and the intensity is high, considering the human cost involved in the movement.

  Some back ground on the roots and origin of Naxalism would help understand the problem clearly, so i`m presenting the published facts that i gathered from various sources on social and communication media. As it goes, the word Naxal or Naxalite is after a village name Naxalbari , near silguri in Terai region of West Bengal. An Agrarian movement started by peasants turned into a Naxal movement ,It was started under the leadership of Charu Majmudar and Kanu Sanyal in 1967. They led the peasants, weaker sections against Land lords and money lenders who committed irregularities against helpless labor.

   History (or the story) says, in May 1967, farmers who are discontent brewing in tea gardens started an agitation against land lords. Police forces tried to stop the agitation, suddenly a demonstrator shot an arrow at police and he died. The police force left that place immediately and came back with an enforcement and opened fire. This movement lead to death of many people including 9 women and 2 children. Then started the so called movement - Naxalism.

   The movement got its ground and started spreading :  Naxals campaigned in states of West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Andhra pradesh and south eastern part of UP. The area under the control of naxals is called 'Red Corridor' which is spread about 92,000 They go by different names in different regions. In towns bordering Bihar and Nepal they call themselves as Maoists, whereas in Andhra Pradesh they call themselves as PWG(peoples`s war group).In Bengal they are infamous as Naxalites. They (Maoists) are categorized into 2 major cadres-  Sangam : The intellectual elite who does the planning part (strategic centralization) ; Dalam : Fighters who executes the plan (Fighters deployed everywhere - Tactical decentralization). The Dalam part generally are drawn from the ignorant, religious bigots who are frustrated, deprived, discontented and uneducated. As these can be easily motivated by tall promises in ‘Heaven’ if killed in the struggle. A majority of them didn’t even have a clear concept as to what reason they have joined the movement.

       The naxalites claim to represent the most oppressed people who are often untouched and bypassed by electoral process and they spare none when it comes to killings, extortion s ,  kidnapping, taking hostages or disrupting railways or any other clandestine operations.

    When we take a look at the India map, the red colored area represents their complete presence. They are not located in some remote parts of India, Right in the heart (Madhya Pradesh), spreading towards west in Maharastra and have great presence in one complete border from West Bengal to Andhra Pradesh. They have the ability to divide India and they are not in hurry either, they don`t want power to rule the nation (immediately).Connecting to the characters in my previous blog, the goverment (our sage -- in cave story) is drafting plans to counter the movement,  when the Naxal Movement (our rat -- in cave story) is getting a grip on our nation. Now the Movement (rat turned lion) started attacking government (our sage). Wish our sage acts before the lion feeds on him..

     Analyzing the problem at macro level, the movement got its ideological underpinnings from the great leader 'Mao Tse Tung' , communist party of china (You may find this link for more info - Based on the same strategy, Jawans in Vietnam did fragging (killing superiors) ; Che Guevara joined Fiedal Castro and defeated Batista`s regime - centralized che`s activities from sierra Maestra in cuba ; Implementing Dau tranh, vietnamese over threw french colonialism. In China, Cuba, Vietnam, Bolivia : They implemented the strategy templates and they achieved their purpose. Now it is INDIA.. I wish democracy continues. Though there is corruption, irregularities and crimes - INDIA the largest democratic nation in the world is still united and is still known for its rich and varied cultural heritage. Justice, Equality, Fraternity and Liberty are still the governing principles of our constitution. A majority of people are enjoying absolute independence in democratic India (Though there are some problems). Unfortunately, our communication and social media do not highlight the positive aspects of our nation as much as they do for negative aspects.. there by diverting my attention from main topic of this blog: Salwa Judam :)
    With sufficient back ground on Naxalism, we will move to 'Salwa Judam' (Meaning 'Peace March' in Gondi language- spoken by about 2 million people in INDIA - even i`m surprised :P). This was active in Bastar and Dantewada regions of chattisgarh. The idea is simple yet effective : Training and support is given to tribal youth by state government ; these trained people, provided with ammunition,  counter attack naxal activites. Why only tribal youth are selected ? Because naxal activities are operational in forest terrains (easy to attack and escape),tribal youth will definitely have good knowledge on forest geography and naxal attacks.. Easy to counter !! But , supreme court of INDIA declared this salwa judam as illegal and unconstitutional and ordered its disbanding on july 5 , 2011... why? The movement received critics for its violations of human rights (!!!), use of child soldiers and poorly trained uneducated youth for counter operations - this helped in increasing the presence of naxalites. Are human rights really violated or is this the plot of our sangam (mentioned in para 4elite who identified the danger in existence of movement is an open question !!!

     On May 25, 2013 Mahendra karma founder of salwa judam was killed in a Naxal attack. He was reportedly stabbed 78 times, apart from sustaining several bullet injuries as per Times of India. Even if he committed so many mistakes (as reported by naxal spokesperson).. is it required to stab a person 78 times apart from firing number of bullets..just to kill him...!!! It is more like a revenge than a murder !! On May 29, 2013 : party spokesperson of maoists released letter stating karma, patel and vidya charan shukla are identifies as "people`s enemy" (as reported in The Hindu dated 29 May). The release has given apologies to the death of 27 innocent people and 32 injured apart from targeted leaders. Look at the human cost, to kill 1 leader (peoples enemy as they state), they killed 27 others.. Is this movement really doing any good.. I do not advocate that killing is good, but i want to highlight the human cost involved in naxal operations. "Does allowing this movement serves as a boon to oppressed sections or does it serves as a threat to the entire nation" is a point to think upon...I remember the stories of British coming to India in the name of opium trade and ruled her for next 200 years depriving her of her riches.. Now, we are experiencing this naxal movement in the name of protecting oppressed sections.. I`m wondered where we will land on !! 





  1. Interestting read. I. Found this topic good. To know that you did your homework brings a smile to my face. Many more such blogs and beautiful writing is very much looked forward to. Good going!!!

  2. Good try... But, you should also think in this way that "Naxalism is a consequence of Democratic corrupted India which is ruled with vested intersts"
